Mini-dosing & Yin with Merel

About mini-dosing
We are working with a mini-dose: a very mild but noticeable dose of psilocybin truffles. The sensitivity to psilocybin is different for every body. That means that some people will be able to dive into a subtle psychedelic journey within, while others will experience only mild sensations or simply deeper relaxation in the practice.
The beautiful thing about psilocybin is that its effects happen in interaction with your own body and mind and are therefore “tailor-made” to what you need at that moment. You can trust that whatever comes, is what is most beneficial to your growth and health at that time. This can include a wide range of feelings and experiences: beautiful, challenging, or both.
The setting of a psilocybin experience is a very important element to making the experience serving for your inner growth. This is why we offer a ceremonial setting with an experienced facilitator, optimizing the conditions for your inner learning with the truffles.
Psilocybin as a teacher
Psilocybin truffles, like plant medicine, are traditionally seen as “teachers”. Engaging with truffles is very different from taking a recreational drug. Whereas recreational drugs can be used for escapism or moving away from what is present in you, potentially destabilizing or even harming, truffles and plant medicine when taken with a healthy mindset and in a well-guided setting, do the opposite: they bring you closer to yourself and sensitize you to what is already present within you. They open the body and mind to balance, inspiration and insight. They can also bring us lessons on how to live our lives more wholesomely and in tune with our true nature.
This is why plant medicine can be such a beautiful addition to the practice of yoga. It also means that sometimes the experience is beautiful and pleasant, whereas at other times it can be confronting or uncomfortable, depending on what your next step is in your inner evolution. In a ceremonial setting there is loving guidance and music to support you to navigate your inner world in both the beautiful and challenging parts.
Please read these contra-indications carefully and let us know in advance of the ceremony in case any of these apply to you, or if you have doubts about it.
Also: If you take any medication, please inform us in advance by email so that we can check if there are negative interactions with the psilocybin and your medication. We will keep your information confidential and only communicate it with the facilitator Merel.
Read all about Psilocybin and contra-indications here.
Are you in doubt whether one of these indications apply to you? Please also let us know so the facilitator Merel can discuss possibilities with you.
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Or contact Merel directly: