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Family constellations with Zeeger & Kim

€ 49,00
27 september 2023 17:00 - 21:00 UUR
Family constellations w...
€ 49,00
27 september 2023 17:00 - 21:00 UUR
Zeeger ...
les wordt gegeven doorZeeger en Kim
27 september 2023 17:00 - 21:00 UUR
€ 49,00

Family constellations workshop
Systemic work 


In this workshop we will introduce you  the world of Systemic work and Family Constellations. Within the field of Systemic Work, Family constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship in order to gain insight and heal what is needed. The work is profound, insightful and very healing to everyone attending.


● Welcome and introduction
● Explaining the fundamental principles of Systemic Work: How does it work?
● Constellations exercise for everyone to experience systemic work and feel into your own family system
● Two entire family constellations for people who have a question and want to explore this via a complete constellation.

What are Family Constellations?
Making the unconscious visible, that is what we do with Constellations. In our daily lives we often come across behavioral patterns or familiar situations in which our family history plays a huge role. Think of work situations where you always seem to produce the same results or create repeating conflict. A love relationship in which you lose yourself completely or in which you find it difficult to open up. Or a more general feeling of not knowing who you are or the feeling you are not living up to your potential.

More and more we discover that this often has to do with your family and its history; your family system. Think of the roles you’ve played in your childhood. Fixing the relationship of your mom and dad or taking care of one of the parents (and becoming the parent of your parent). But also, events that happened further down the line with your grandparents or the generations before that. Whenever someone or something was ignored or excluded, somewhere down the generation line it will pop up in the form of an unwanted behavioral pattern. And this is what we look to bring together again during a family constellation. The result? A deep embrace of reality as it is leading to acceptance, freedom, and flow.

This workshop

In this workshop you will get to experience the power of systemic work. In the exercise and the constellations, you will get to further connect with your body, your intuition, and the subtle information at play. You will get to explore your own family system from a systemic perspective. In the workshop we have space for two full constellations which means we can dive deeper into the questions of two persons attending. The rest of the group can be asked to be a representative for this person's family system. In our experience, being a representative is sometimes just as insightful as doing your own constellation. You usually get asked for roles that in some way relate to your own topics. For people that have never attended a Constellation, being a representative is a safe start to explore what it is about.

For who?
This workshop is literally for everyone. Newcomers will have a good introduction to the work and a full experience of what a constellation is about. Experienced people will find the exercise and constellations to give them a profound experience.

About the facilitators

Kim Lanjouw
Kim has been coaching, guiding and inspiring people to live a more conscious and loving life in the last 10 years. To her, family constellations are a necessity to lift the weight off the past and give space to the potential that wants to be seen and is so needed in this world. She brings softness to what has become rigid and brings clarity to the issues at hand.


Zeeger Scholten
Zeeger has facilitated workshops all over the world including SE Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He has been a practicing buddhist for many years and loves to bring a deep level of presence to the work that he does. He finds it an absolute privilege to do this work and looks to intimately connect that which has been separated.

Tea, fruit and chocolate will be provided during the workshop. So, make sure you have eaten beforehand.

Date: Wednesday 27 September, 2023
Time: 17.00 - 21.00 hr
Place: De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Amsterdam
Price: 49,00
