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Advanced study (50 hr): Mastering Your Teaching Skills with Léah Kline

Advanced study (50 hr):...
Léah  ...
les wordt gegeven doorLéah Kline

Mastering your Teaching Skills

This course teaches you how to add Themes to your lessons, using 5 standard themes, with each daily theme come Alignment cues, Adjustments, yoga philosophy, expanding your cueing vocabulary, and learning to speak what is in your heart and sharing that authentically with your students. Learn to be clear & precise in your words and creative in your guidance.

What to expect

Learn how to:
- Find and Share inspiring quotes during your Opening or Savasana ( to spark a sense of Unity and open heartedness)
- Use speaking formulas to find your true Authentic message ( without sounding like someone else).
- Find your personal style, your source of inspiration to make lessons from.
- Expand your Vocabulary ( to say the same thing 20 different ways) learn to improvise
- Theme your classes ( from a quote or one of the six common qualities see below)
- Learn cueing formulas to weave your theme into a lesson
- Apply 15 standard manual Adjustments( to support a theme)
- Stimulate your Creative Mind ( to learn to improvise and adjust to what is actually happening in the classroom instead of what you planned)
- Learn about loops and spirals in the body and how they can help you adjust/ assist the energetic direction of the student’s asana.

Yogi's choice

Aren't you able to attend the whole module due to work or travelling? No problem! This Advanced Study is a five-day module which you can also follow alternatively the first weekend (April 23, 24 & 25) for a 30 hour credit. CLICK HERE if you would like to register for a 3 day 30hr module option for the first weekend only for €400. Did you already participated in the 30hr module and would you like to finish the last 20hrs? That's possible! Please send a mail to


Friday April 23 theme: Heart Energy

Expanding. Shoulder loop, heart openers, theming and speaking from your heart. Teaching with opposites.Power & Grace within yourself. Flowing. Using contrasts to teach. The how versus What. Saturday

Saturday April 24theme: Strength

Power, stability. Muscular energy, drawing in up. Being, theming and guiding with confidence and power.

Sunday April 25 theme: Rooting and grounding

Seated poses & assists, quieting the nervous system and the room.

Teaching / themeing homework

Thursday April 29 theme: Divine Balance and Integration

Breath, rib cage, kidney loop, the philosophy of balance, drawing to the center, finding balance. Balance poses, balance as a theme. Ribs and kidneys.

Friday April 30 theme: Swirling, circular energy

Tapping into the energy that holds you together. Introduction to Loops & Spirals. Twists, safe knees and elbows. Learning the spirals in arms and legs and tapping into the energetic direction of poses. Flowing and improvising.

Teaching /themeing homework

Why theme a class?

A yoga class theme can be anything that helps narrow the focus for your yoga class and enriches the experience of your students. It could be a teaching point, alignment cue, poem or song, positive emotion, or a lesson from yoga philosophy. A theme will be most potent if it is something that YOU are excited about. Instead of choosing an abstract theme, something concrete that includes something for your students to practice during class will make your theme relevant.

Yoga class themes are like a thread that creates form and structure for the class. They help to narrow the focus so that the teacher is not tempted to share everything they know in one class, thereby potentially overwhelming their students. Themes are a great way for yoga instructors to share the deeper aspects of yoga in their classes by building the class around a philosophical concept or a specific feeling.

The key to creating powerful themes for your yoga classes is to honor your passions, interests, and talents. Some yoga instructors are very technical and love to share what they know about the human body. For these yoga teachers, the plan for their yoga class might center around the actions of a specific muscle and it’s antagonist or the natural curvature of the spine.

Other yoga teachers are drawn to the challenge of difficult poses and love to help people achieve things they didn’t know they could do. These yoga teachers will often choose a challenging pose as the peak pose to center the class around and perhaps an uplifting idea to inspire their students to work towards it.

Another approach is for the teacher who is fascinated by the great mysteries of the universe and the deep philosophy behind the practice of yoga. This teacher might choose a verse from the yoga sutras or another ancient text to anchor their class plan. Many teachers are inspired by more than one aspect of yoga, so you —don’t need to limit yourself to one approach.


"This course is a ticket to your own creativity. Leah taught me to trust my instinct and explore and find different words in cueing. I learned how to use my voice in different ways when I teach, how to work with inspiring texts and translate that into a theme and sequence. I can definitely recommend this course. It’s fun!!"
- Maaiyke Peys

"I participated in this teacher training module in summer 2018 and found it to be a valuable and enriching experience. I particularly enjoyed the vocal exercises which expanded my range of cue vocabulary in a playful way. I learned how to weave a theme into my classes in a more unified manner so that it really translates in a meaningful way to the class participants, through the use of cues, pose choices, sequencing and story telling. There was also a lot of helpful instruction and practice on offering assists and interesting discussion on alignment. Lots of creative ideas came out of the sessions which continue to benefit my teaching many months later." - Lucy Griffith

"De 50h training bij Leah Kline heeft mij geholpen om meer diepgang te geven aan mijn lessen. Te werken met thema's, het kiezen van woorden die de mensen inspireert en een asana meer maakt dan een fysieke houding. Leah heeft me geleerd mijn stem te laten horen. Zo verweef ik nu teksten/gedichten in mijn lessen en heb ik geleerd direct in te spelen op de energie van een individu of groep wat de lessen persoonlijker maakt. Mensen die lessen bij mij volgen hebben dit ook gemerkt. Alles bij elkaar heeft de 50h bij Leah mij extra (zelf)vertrouwen gegeven om naast het doceren van de asana's, te praten voor de groep en een boodschap over te brengen. Ik geef diverse yogavormen, van Ashtanga tot Yin Yoga en kan dit in alle lessen toepassen. Een absolute aanrader voor yoga teachers die meer diepgang willen geven aan hun studenten." - Anne Kluit

About Léah Kline

Léah Kline is a certified Anusara- inspired ® professor of Hatha Yoga, Registered "Continuing Education" Yoga Teacher and holds a Bachelors degree in Movement. She has 30 years of teaching experience. She has accumulated a deep and intuitive understanding of the "human body in motion". She credits her combined knowledge* for her ability to explain how to touch and guide the human body into it's natural energy. As well as to recognize signs of organic movement resistance & energetic directions.

She lives and works in Amsterdam offering Yoga classes, Masterclasses and Teacher Trainings for students and teachers throughout Europe. She is Co-writer with Johan Noorloos for Yang Asana Technique for Het Nieuwe Yogaboek. She speaks Dutch and English fluently.

* (in Anatomy, Physiology, Kineseology, Injury prevention, Yoga Therapeutics, Martha Graham Training, Contact Improvisation, Massage Techniques, Universal Principles of Alignment©, Partner work in yoga and dance, Psychology, Singing, tantric philosophy & teaching)

Dates: 23, 24, 25, 29 & 30 April, 2021
Time: 10.00 - 18.00 hr

Price: € 525,- ex VAT / € 635,25 inc VAT for the 50hr module.
Where: De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Amsterdam

As soon as we have received your payment, your place in the training is definitively reserved. Please read our terms of agreement to make sure you are aware of all the details concerning your transaction.


This unique study can also be followed for 3 days (30 hour credit & €400) instead of 5 days (50 hour credit & €635,25). To sign up for 3 days (23, 24 & 25 April), please CLICK HERE. Did you already participated in the 30hr module and would you like to finish the last 20hrs? That's possible! Please send a mail to
