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Early Morning Flow

The ideal practice to flow into the rest of the day, feeling refreshed and energized.

De Nieuwe Yogaschool Early Morning Flow Amsterdam

English below

De ideale les om je dag fris en energiek te beginnen. Tijdens deze les synchroniseren we ademhaling en beweging. Zo ontstaat er ‘flow’. Dit brengt lichaam en geest in balans, terwijl je tegelijkertijd sterker en flexibeler wordt. Een heerlijke start van je dag!

Ben je zwanger of heb je een specifieke blessure? Laat de docent dit vooraf weten, zodat ze je kunnen begeleiden.

Level: all level – intermediate


The ideal practice to flow into the rest of the day, feeling refreshed and energized. This morning vinyasa flow awakens the body. During a vinyasa practice we synchronize movement and breath in order to ‘flow’ with ease, flowing fluidly from one pose to another. This harmonizes body and mind, while at the same time building strength and flexibility. You will leave this class feeling energized and balanced. A lovely start of the day.

Are you pregnant or do you have a specific injury? Let the teacher know in advance so they can guide you.

Level: all level – intermediate

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