3-day Yoga Nidra & Healing the Inner Elements training with Moena

A magical journey
In this 3-day study you will refine your knowledge on advanced skills to guide your students during yoga Nidra: the magical journey that expresses the art of relaxation and achieving a state of deeper awareness.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra (or Yogic sleep practice) means sleep with a trace of awareness. It is a state of mind between wakefulness and dream. During the practice of Nidra, our consciousness travels from one layer of consciousness to another.
In this study you will explore the connection between the different stages of consciousness and the relationship with the 5 senses
Through moving between the several layers of the mind we explore the characteristics of the 5 elements (connected with the 5 senses) and we will integrate those of each element into the Nidra practice.
You will learn how to integrate them in a yoga Nidra script; which is based on a specific order to dive into the sheets of the mind, where our awareness fluctuates from conscious to subconscious to deeper conscious (the most subtle sheet where our higher awareness can be revealed). Every day of this Study we will focus on one specific element.
As the inner view gets more clear we can balance all the input that constantly comes in through the senses (smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing) which relate with the 5 elements : earth, water, fire, air & ether. Bringing the outer & inner world together in balance, helps us to understand our desires, habits and aversions. It brings us in the present moment at which point we are in harmony.
The 5 elements are interdependent transformations of consciousness, matter & energy. They occur in the outside worlds but also inside of us. Each perception or sensation we experience is made out of a pattern of the 5 elements. Due to life’s circumstances and the constant changes the effect is felt even in the most subtle form as the elements get out of balance. By understanding the qualities and relationships of the elements and recognise the effect of all of life’s impulses in our inner world can bring harmony in body & mind.
This 30hr training will bring you
- Knowledge on the characteristics of the elements and how they control our behaviour and determine our spiritual development.
- A deeper understanding on how to integrate specific themes in an intelligent matter in a yoga Nidra script.
- A profound insight in the relationship between the elements, the senses and the layers of the mind.
- More foundation on yoga philosophy.
Why this study?
During this training participants will get trained in a step by step systematic and scientific procedure of the Yoga Nidra practice. You will learn how to create a well structured Nidra class, so you can integrate it in your teachings, and gain knowledge about sleep, dreams, and the controlling centres of the brain.
This training is held in English.