Face Yoga with Debbie

What to expect?
‘Move your face, your body will love you for it.’
Why move the muscles and connective tissues in your body and not the 52 muscles and many ligaments, fascia etc in your face? You will have heard in yoga classes to relax your eyes, your face, your jaw. And you might have heard where energy lines run in our face, head and neck.
By moving the muscles in our face and massaging the skin we bring awareness of stored tension, mimical patterns, emotions and stress to the surface. As with bodily asanas, we can then do something with that. Like with many forms of yoga, relaxing our nervous system is a goal. And of course, the stimulation of circulation means that you produce natural collagen, by boosting blood flow, oxygen and water through your system. This softens lines and tension and opens up space in our face. Leaving your body, face and mind feeling lighter and balancing out our nervous system.
This is especially for those who have done the first workshop, but and if this sounds wonderful and you are in for a new type of session, with learning hands-on, you are very welcome to join.
In this follow-up workshop to the introduction or volume 1.0 – we start of with a beautiful sequence using both gua sha, face yoga and massage to ground, feel and revive our senses. You will learn new exercises and massages, plus information on why and how. We will work a little with retaining ligaments and how to gain more access to muscles and hydrate the skin and with that your system, your thoughts, healing your nervous system. And there will be space to ask questions specific exercise questions etc.
What to bringbring??
What to bring? Your face. If you have a gua sha, you may bring it, just as a facial oil or another product to apply to your skin that you really love. Wear comfortable clothes, with an open neck and chest. If you do not have a gua sha you can buy one or bring a spoon.
After a grounding meditation we dive into the theme of the evening through a combination of practices, tools, sharing and teachings.